Veterans Programs
The Office of Veteran Affairs, located in the Student Services Office, provides enrollment services and general information to students who are eligible for benefits under the Veterans Administration (VA) Program. Courses offered by Morgan Community College, with certain exceptions are approved for the training of veterans and eligible dependents under Chapters 30, 31, 32, 35, and 1606, Title 38, U.S. Code (P1 815).
Students who plan to utilize Veterans Administration (VA) benefits while attending Morgan Community College should contact the Office of Veteran’s Affairs immediately after making the decision to attend MCC. A six- to eight-week VA processing time should be anticipated for new applicants. It is the student’s responsibility to notify the Office of Veterans Affairs at MCC of any address changes and/or enrollment changes such as course adds and drops, change of program, other schools attended, and any other information related their academic standing. Veterans must submit a copy of their DD214 and official transcripts of grades for any previous college education when submitting their Admission Application to MCC. Failure to provide this institution with a written record may result in serious delay in educational benefits. Students who are applying for VA benefits are responsible for payment of tuition, fees, and books, whether or not benefit payments have started.
Students can find additional information on the MyMCC Resources tab: