College Closures
It is assumed that unless a specific decision is made otherwise, that courses will be held and offices will be open as scheduled.
Notification of Closures
MCC students and employees are notified of college closures and emergencies by an MCC Alert. Messages are sent via telephone, e-mail, cell phone, and text messaging if it is enabled by the owner.
Also See Emergency Notification System/MCC Alert for additional information
Daytime Courses
Notification of College closure for the entire day will be sent via MCC Alert and released to media outlets by 7:00 a.m.: radio stations KFTM/KBRU; B-106/KSIR; Denver, KOA Radio; and television stations-Channel 4, 7, FOX 31 (local channel 8) and 9, and on the MCC website.
Evening Courses
Notification of cancelation of evening courses will be made no later than 4:00 p.m. and will be sent via MCC Alert, announced on local radio and television stations: Channel 4, 7, FOX 31 (local channel 8) and 9 television stations.
The MCC general information number 542-3100 or 1-800-622-0216 ext. 0 can also be accessed during regular office hours for up-to-date campus closures.
Morgan Community College is on an alternate Holiday Schedule and will close for the following holidays throughout the year:
Holiday |
Type of Closure |
College Closed |
College Closed |
College Offices Open -No courses held- |
College Closed |
College Offices Open -No courses held- |
College Closed |
College Closed |
Professional Development Days
Morgan Community College has determined that to provide the best learning environment for our students, all college personnel will participate in Professional Development Days each semester. College offices will be closed and no courses will be held during Professional Development Days.
See the Academic Calendar for specific dates
Snow Closure and Inclement Weather Cancelation Policy
Fort Morgan Campus
- Fort Morgan campus courses will meet if either the Brush or Fort Morgan Schools are open;
- If both schools close, courses will not be held at the MCC Fort Morgan campus site;
- It will be assumed that evening courses on snow days/inclement weather days will meet as scheduled;
- Students, faculty, and office personnel are encouraged to use their best judgment regarding the safety of conditions for driving to class or work, but not simply to take advantage of the situation for their own convenience;
- Faculty is encouraged not to penalize students in grading for using that judgment;
- When MCC is open, high school students, regardless of their school closure or other days off, are expected to be in their MCC courses;
- The decision to close the College because of inclement weather will be made by the College President or designee.
Notification of Closures
MCC Centers
The decision to close an individual Center and cancel Center area classes because of inclement weather will be made by that area’s Director of Regional Community Outreach. The MCC ALERT system will be used to contact students when necessary. Center students should be certain that they have signed up for MCC ALERT and that their contact information is kept current.
See Emergency Notification System/MCC ALERT
See Notification of Closures