Student Records and Transcripts
Student records are maintained by the Registrar in the Student Services Office at the Fort Morgan campus. Students may request changes to their academic records, request transcripts, and official transcript evaluations.
Address and Phone Changes
Students make personal information changes on MyMCC using their Student ID and password. (Students who are also employees of any CCCS Institution or participate in work-study must make their changes through the Human Resources Department.)
Enrollment Verifications
Enrollment verifications at Morgan Community College are processed through the National Student Loan Clearinghouse after the 15-week term refund deadline has past, and periodically throughout the term. Enrollment verifications for insurance purposes (health, automobile, etc.) are handled through the Registrar’s Office.
Grades Reported to the Registrar
All grades reported to the Registrar by an instructor are entered upon the student’s academic record. These grades are permanent and will be changed only in the case of a grading or reporting error by the instructor.
Name Changes to Academic Records
All requests for name changes to academic records, whether requested by a continuing, former, or readmitted student, must be accompanied by a copy of the legal document issued by the court or legal agency verifying the name change. The Student Services Office will keep a copy in the student’s file. Name changes cannot be done on the web. Students who are employees or participate in work study must contact the MCC Human Resources Department to make their name changes.
Preferred Name
CCCS has established procedures which would allow you, if you so desire, to use a name different than your legal name on the following college records:
Preferred name changes can be made by contacting the MCC's Office of the Registrar to complete the required form.
Social Security Number Changes to Academic Records
All requests for Social Security Number Changes/corrections to academic records, whether requested by a continuing, former, or readmitted student, must be accompanied by a copy of the corrected Social Security card. The Student Services Office will keep a copy in the student’s file.
Term Academic Honors
CCCS Colleges provide an opportunity for students to be recognized with Academic Honors, on a term-by-term basis. Students who qualify will receive a notation for that term on their official transcripts. Those who excel in their courses of study at Morgan Community College may qualify to be named to the MCC President’s List or Vice President’s List.
To be eligible for the president’s list, a student must:
- Be classified as a full-time student for that term
- Have a minimum of 12 semester hours of completed college level work (excludes developmental)
- Successfully complete at the end of the semester the courses attempted
- Maintain a term grade point average of 4.00
To be eligible for the vice president’s list, a student must:
- Be classified as a full-time student for that term
- Have a minimum of 12 semester hours of completed college level work (excludes developmental)
- Successfully complete at the end of the semester the courses attempted
- Maintain a term grade point average of 3.75-3.999
The President’s List and Vice President’s List is published after the end of the regularly scheduled fall and spring terms based on the information available at that time. (Term Honors are not awarded for summer semesters)
Transferring Credit to MCC from Other Institutions
If a student plans to complete a degree or certificate with applicable transfer credit, an official transcript must be sent to the College.
The transfer of academic credit to the college is governed by the following policies and procedures:
- Courses accepted in transfer MUST match the content and meet or exceed the rigor of the accepting institution as determined by the professional judgment of the transfer evaluator or department chair.
- Transfer credit is accepted as specified by legislated and Colorado Community College System (CCCS) articulation agreements.
- The college may examine credits to ensure that the content is not outdated or obsolete. Please note that some courses that are more than 10 years old may not be transferable. In addition, courses must be no more than 7 years old for some health programs (please check with the department).
- Courses will be evaluated against the Colorado Community College Common Course Numbering System (CCCNS).
- The official transcript will include courses taken at the institution and those transfer credits requested by the student.
- Courses will be transcripted with CCCNS course number, title, prefix and the number of credits awarded by the transferring institution.
- Grades for transfer courses will be recorded in Banner and show on the official transcript.
- Prerequisite courses below the 100 level will not be accepted in transfer and will not appear on the transcript, but will be noted in the student's record.
- A grade of "C" or higher, "P", "S" or better is required for transfer. Transfer credit will not be awarded for courses with "D", "F" or "U" grades. Individual colleges may choose to grant an exception to this rule and accept transfer courses with a grade of "D" on a case-by-case basis. Additionally, some schools only accept a "P" or "S" grade if it is shown to be equivalent to a grade of "C" or better.
- Credits earned at the home institution with a grade of "D" may be applicable to a degree or certificate as determined by the program.
- There is no limit to the number of credits that may be transferred. However, 45 transfer credits is the maximum number of credits that can be applied towards a degree. A minimum of 25% of the credits applied to a degree or certificate must be earned at the home institution.
- Upper level courses can be accepted in transfer IF the course can be equated to a course in CCNS.
- Elective courses that do not equate to a CCCNS course will be listed with the appropriate prefix, numbered as 999 and include "Elective" with a colon and then an entry to describe the course content. If no appropriate prefix is included in the CCCNS then the elective course will be given either the prefix TRN for Transfer Elective or CTE for CTE (Career and Technical Education) Elective. The course number will be 999 and the title will include a colon and an entry to describe the course content.
- Credit for prior learning, standardized tests and portfolio credits will be accepted as determined by the CCCS Guide to Credit for Prior Learning.
- Transfer courses that have the Guaranteed Transfer (GT) designation will be noted as GT courses. If the course is not present in the CCCNS then it will be transcripted with the prefix GTP for GT-Pathways, the applicable GTP course number, and the course title that matches the GT designation, e.g., CO1, AH3, MA1, etc.
- Transfer credits will be awarded as governed by CCHE (Colorado Commission on Higher Education) and State Board policies and System President Procedures.
- Quarter hours and other non-standard credit hours that are accepted in transfer will be converted into semester credit hours.
Consistent with the requirements of the Colorado Commission on Higher Education, CCCS Colleges have established a Transfer Appeals Process. Based upon the initial transcript evaluation of transfer credits completed, a student may appeal:
- A decision regarding the transferability of a specific course(s);
- A decision regarding the placement of a specific course(s); or
- The college's failure to provide a transcript evaluation within the designated 30-day calendar period.
Further information and a detailed list of transfer and appeal guidelines can be found in the established appeal process.
-Approved by CCCS Education Services Council
(ES 9-82 effective Fall 2013 Rev. Summer 2013)
CCCS Student Transfer Appeals policy (approved June 2, 2005) can be found at: ![]()
Foreign Transcripts
Transcripts from colleges and universities outside the United States must first be evaluated course-by-course by an approved evaluation service. Approved evaluation services can be found at:
Transcripts must then be sent to MCC directly from the evaluation services. MCC will then determine the award of credit applicable to the degree or certificate you plan to pursue. You will receive notification when the results are available for you to review.
Transcript Evaluation
The Registrar’s Office and/or Transcript Evaluator will review official transcripts and evaluate the credits that apply to the student’s current declared program of study. The student will receive an official notice that the evaluation has been completed along with instructions on how to see which courses apply to their MCC program of study. The Registrar will only accept official transcripts sent directly from the granting institution to Morgan Community College. Any other transcripts received, (e.g.: those opened by the student or which have gone through the student’s hand in some way, those faxed, emailed, etc.) are not considered official transcripts and will not be evaluated. No evaluation will be done on transcripts received for non-admitted students or students who are undeclared. If the student changes a program of study, and wishes re-evaluation of transcripts, the student should notify the Registrar’s Office in writing of the request to have transcripts re-evaluated toward the new program. Only those courses which apply to the student’s current program of study will be evaluated.
Official transcripts covering a student’s previous secondary and college education submitted to the College as part of the admission procedure become part of the official file and cannot be returned to the student. The College does not issue or certify copies of transcripts from other institutions. Transcripts, documented military experience and testing scores of approved programs are evaluated in accordance with College policy. The acceptance of this credit is documented on the College transcript.
Transcripts and Transferring MCC Credits to Other Institutions
Transcripts of MCC college course work are available from the Registrar’s Office by student request at any time via the web. Alternatively, students may send a letter in writing, or visit the college in person to complete the required form. Transcripts of courses taken and grades received will be sent to the institution or organization or individual of the student’s choice. Official transcripts will NOT be released for students with financial obligations to the College or any other CCCS institution.