2017-2018 Academic Catalog w/Addendum

Student Code of Conduct (SCOC)

Students are subject to the same federal, state, and local laws as non-students and are the beneficiaries of the same safeguards of individual rights. As members of the academic community, students are expected to conduct themselves in a reasonable manner.

Students should at all times try to promote a sense of cooperation and work to build an atmosphere that will be most conducive to the goals of higher education. Members of the College community shall recognize the authority of the College to publish and maintain its own set of rules and regulations. It is the responsibility of all members of the College community to make themselves aware of the rules and regulations of the institution and comply with those rules and regulations. All members of the College community, while on campus or while participating in College-sponsored activities (on or off campus), are expected to comply with College rules and regulations and with the regulations of off-campus sites.

Conduct that violates student rights and freedoms and is subject to disciplinary action includes, but is not limited to:

  1. Academic Misconduct:
  2. Plagiarizing, cheating, or committing any other form of academic misconduct including, but not limited to, unauthorized collaboration, falsification of information, and/or helping someone else violate reasonable standards for academic behavior. Students who engage in any type of academic dishonesty are subject to both academic consequences as determined by the instructor and to disciplinary action as outlined in the Morgan Community College disciplinary procedures.
  3. Disruptive Behavior:
  4. Engaging in any disruptive behavior that negatively affects or impedes teaching or learning (regardless of mode of delivery or class setting); or disrupts the general operation of the college.
  5. Deceitful Acts:
  6. Engaging in deceitful acts, including, but not limited to: forgery, falsification, alteration, misrepresentation, non-disclosure, or misuse of documents, records, identification and/or educational materials.
  7. Conduct that is Detrimental to College or to Safety:
  8. Conduct that is deemed detrimental, harmful and/or damaging to the college and/or that jeopardizes the safety of others as determined by the Vice President for Student Success. Examples include, but are not limited to, slamming doors, throwing chairs, and/or defacing of college property, or property of others.
  9. Physical/Non-physical Abuse:
      • Physical abuse or conduct that threatens or endangers another person’s health or safety.

      • Non-physical abuse, threats, intimidation, coercion, influence, or any unwelcome conduct in any form that is sufficiently severe, pervasive or persistent that it alters the conditions of the learning environment or employment.

      • Knowingly falsifying, publishing or distributing, in any form, material that tends to impeach the honesty, integrity, virtue or reputation of another person.

  10. Harassment and/or Discrimination:
  11. Discrimination or harassment on the basis of sex/gender, race, color, age, creed, national or ethnic origin, physical or mental disability, veteran status, pregnancy status, religion or sexual orientation.
  12. Sexual Misconduct:
  13. Sexual Misconduct offenses include, but are not limited to Sexual Harassment, Non-Consensual Sexual Contact (or attempts to commit same), Non-Consensual Sexual Intercourse (or attempts to commit same), and/or Sexual Exploitation. (See SP 4-120a for more information:


  14. Weapons:
  15. Possession or distribution of any unauthorized firearms, ammunition, explosives, fireworks and/or other dangerous weapons (or chemicals/flammable liquids) or use/threat of use of any instrument (including, but not limited to paint ball guns, pellet guns, air soft guns, bow and arrows, knives) as a weapon to intimidate, harass, or cause harm to others.
  16. Narcotics/Alcohol:
  17. Use, being under the influence, manufacturing, possession, cultivating, distribution, purchase, or sale of alcohol and/or drugs (illegal and/or dangerous or controlled substance) and/or alcohol/drug paraphernalia while on college owned or college controlled property, and/or at any function authorized or supervised by the college and/or in state owned or leased vehicles.  Note: Although possession and use of marijuana consistent with the requirements of the Colorado Constitution is no longer a crime in the State of Colorado, the possession and use of marijuana remains illegal under federal law. Consistent with federal law, including the Controlled Substances Act and the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act, the use and/or possession of marijuana continues to be prohibited while a student is on college owned or college controlled property, and/or any function authorized or supervised by the college and/or in state owned or leased vehicles.
  18. Dress Code:
  19. Dress or personal hygiene that fails to meet the established safety or health standards of specific classes or activities offered by the college.
  20. Leaving Children Unattended:
  21. Leaving children unattended or unsupervised in campus buildings or on campus grounds unless enrolled or participating in authorized campus activities.
  22. Violation of Laws, Directives, and Signage:
      • Violating any municipal, county, state or federal law that adversely impacts the conditions of the educational or employment environment.

      • Violations of college traffic and parking rules, regulations, or signage.

      • Damage to or falsely using fire alarms and/or fire extinguishers.

      • Creating an intentional obstruction that unreasonably interferes with freedom of movement, either pedestrian or vehicular. This includes, but is not limited to leading or inciting to disrupt college activities. Failure to comply with the lawful directives of College employees acting within the scope of their duties, including those directives issued by a College administrator to ensure the safety and well-being of others.

      • Violations of college policies, protocols, procedures or signage.

  23. Illegal Gambling:
  24. Participation in illegal gambling activities on college owned or college controlled property, and/or any function authorized or supervised by the college and/or in state owned or leased vehicles.
  25. Unauthorized Entry and/or Unauthorized Possession:
  26. Entry into or use of any building, room, or other college-owned or college-controlled property, grounds, or activities without authorized approval. This also includes, but is not limited to the unauthorized possession, duplication or use of college keys, lock combinations, access codes, and access cards and/or credentials and/or propping open or tampering with doors/windows.
  27. Unacceptable Use of College Equipment, Network or System:
  28. Unacceptable uses of any college-owned or operated equipment, network or system including, but not limited to: knowingly spreading computer viruses; reposting personal communications without author’s consent; copying protected materials; using the network for financial or personal gain, commercial activity, or illegal activity; accessing the network using another individuals account; unauthorized downloading/uploading software and/or digital video or music; downloading/uploading, viewing or displaying pornographic content, or any other attempt to compromise network integrity.
  29. Unauthorized Pets/Animals:
  30. Possession of any unauthorized pet or animal, excluding trained service animals (For residential dorms only: and/or assistance animals) while on college-owned or college-controlled property.
  31. Tampering with Student Organization, Election, or Vote:
  32. Tampering with the process of any college recognized student organization, election or vote.
  33. Group or Organization Conduct:
  34. Students who are members of a college recognized student organization or group and commit a violation of the Student Code of Conduct may be accountable both as an individual and as a member of the student organization.
  35. Abuse of the Student Disciplinary and/or Grievance Procedure:
      • Abuse of the Student Disciplinary and/or Grievance Procedure includes, but is not limited to the following:

      • Disruption or interference with the orderly conduct of the student disciplinary/grievance procedure.

      • Falsification, distortion, or misrepresentation, or knowingly pursuing malicious, frivolous, or fraudulent charges.

      • Attempting to discourage an individual’s proper participation in, or use of, the student disciplinary/grievance procedure.

      • Attempting to influence the impartiality of a participant and/or the student disciplinary/grievance procedure.

      • Harassment (verbal or physical) and/or intimidation of a participant in the student disciplinary/grievance procedure.

      • Failure to comply with directives and/or sanctions imposed under student disciplinary/grievance procedure.

      • Influencing or attempting to influence another person to commit an abuse of the student disciplinary/grievance procedure.

      • Engaging in retaliatory acts in any form against any person or person(s) involved in the student disciplinary/grievance procedure

      • Unauthorized Entry into College Events:

      • Entering or attempting to enter any college-sponsored activity without proper credentials for admission.

  36. Preventing or attempting to prevent any student(s) from attending any class or other College activity, impeding, or disrupting any class or other College activity, or attempting to prevent any person from lawfully entering, leaving, or using any College facility. Intentional and unauthorized interference with a right of access to College facilities, freedom of movement or freedom of speech.

  37. Damaging, destroying, or stealing College property or private property of students, College staff or guests when such property is located upon or within College buildings or facilities

  38. Failure to comply with the verbal or written directions of a College official, violating any College suspension, probation, or conditions thereof. Failing to comply with contractual obligations with the College (such as defaults on payments, loan agreements, terms of work study, employment, etc.).

  39. Influencing or attempting to influence any employee or any student enrolled in the College through the offerings or acceptance of favors (including sexual), bribery, or any kind of threats.

  40. Violation of college rules regarding the operation and parking of motorized vehicles on college property.

  41. Aiding, abetting, or inciting others to commit any of the acts listed above.

Note: Additional disciplinary policies may be in effect for the health occupations. Please refer to these programs for specific information. Students in the above programs do not in any way forgo their right of due process through the grievance procedure.

Also note: In most circumstances, college will treat attempts to commit code of conduct violations as if those attempts had been completed.

Violations of the above may result in, but are not limited to, fines, restitution, community service, and/or disciplinary procedures.

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