2018-2019 Academic Catalog w/Addendum

Reporting of Criminal Activities

In the event of a crime of murder, rape (or attempted rape), robbery, aggravated assault, burglary (or attempted burglary), or motor vehicle theft (or attempted theft) occurring on the Morgan Community College campus, witnesses or victims are advised to contact one of the following people immediately:

  • Vice President for Administration & Finance Ext. 3127
  • Vice President of Student Success Ext. 3111
  • Local Law Enforcement/Emergency Services 911

If the law enforcement is contacted directly, the information should also be reported to the Vice President for Administration and Finance. The above college personnel will work directly with the individual(s) reporting the incident and in conjunction with the appropriate personnel outside of the college as necessary.

Reporting of Criminal Activities

In the event of a crime of murder, rape (or attempted rape), robbery, aggravated assault, burglary (or attempted burglary), or motor vehicle theft (or attempted theft) occurring on the Morgan Community College campus, witnesses or victims are advised to contact one of the following people immediately:

  • Vice President for Administration & Finance Ext. 3127
  • Vice President of Student Success Ext. 3111
  • Local Law Enforcement/Emergency Services 911

If the law enforcement is contacted directly, the information should also be reported to the Vice President for Administration and Finance. The above college personnel will work directly with the individual(s) reporting the incident and in conjunction with the appropriate personnel outside of the college as necessary.

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