Recognizing the value of credit completion for all students with regards to retention, transfer and credential attainment, the Colorado College System (CCCS) has established the following practice and procedures for measuring and notifying students of their credit completion progress. This procedure is intended to be informational and helpful, but also establishes clear standards of credit completion progress that must be met and maintained in order to be a successful student in our colleges. CCCS colleges are encouraged to devise and implement appropriate Alert and Retention strategies with regards to credit completion progress.
Recognizing the value of credit completion for all students with regards to retention, transfer and credential attainment, the Colorado College System (CCCS) has established the following practice and procedures for measuring and notifying students of their credit completion progress. This procedure is intended to be informational and helpful, but also establishes clear standards of credit completion progress that must be met and maintained in order to be a successful student in our colleges. CCCS colleges are encouraged to devise and implement appropriate Alert and Retention strategies with regards to credit completion progress.